by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
LEARN HOW TO: Prepare Your Pet’s Airline Travel Carrier Kennel Like A Professional PET SHIPPER STEP 1. How to Label the Carrier / Kennel with LIVE ANIMAL labels STEP 2. How to Secure the Carrier / Kennel for a safe Flight STEP 3. Add Comforts to your Pet’s Travel...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Below find tips and information on Custom built or modified airline kennels & crates. Over Sized Pets One option for extra large dogs, like Great Danes or Mastiffs is to purchase a custom built wood airline crate or have a Giant size Sky or Vari kennel modified...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Guidance for Calculating Properly Sized Pet Airline Shipping Containers The size of the container (crate, kennel, carrier) must be such that it will allow the pet to stand in a natural position, turn around easily and to lie down in a natural manner at all times....
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Airline Pet Carrier Reviews, Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, In Cabin, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips
WHAT is a Airline Approved Pet Carrier or Kennel? Read our Unbiased Reports and Reviews on some of the Top Selling “Airline Approved” Pet Carriers & Kennels I have decide to start this page to try and guide pet owners who are shopping for an...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
10 Biggest Mistakes: Shipping your pet in an old worn out or broken down pet carrier with missing or faulty attachments. Purchasing a brand new pet carrier with unreliable plastic attachments, top loading or other non-airline approved features. SEE Pictures of Pet...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines, Video Library Demos
New Series teaches pet owners tips and tricks on how to travel safely with PetsOnAirplanes Pets On Airplanes – Pet Travel Container Easy Modifications This video will demonstrate how to modify your pet’s none airline approved kennel to be considered acceptable...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Airline Kennel Inside Size Calculator Wondering What the TRUE inside dimensions (capacity) of your pets Travel Kennel is? TRY Inputting the outside listed dimensions or kennel classification into our NEW Kennel Calculator it will give you the details. This will assist...
by DryFur admin | Feb 2, 2016 | 700Plus, Carriers Kennels Crates, Kennel Height Extender, Pet Airline Travel Supplies
Our new version of the 700 Plus Kennel Extension Kit – 100% Made in the USA The 700plus Kennel Extension Kit will add about 5″ to the height of your existing Sky Kennel 700 Giant, Vari Kennel Giant 700, Aspen Giant 700 or any Petmate 700 size dog travel kennel BUY...
by DryFur admin | Jan 11, 2015 | 500Plus, Carriers Kennels Crates, Kennel Height Extender, Pet Airline Travel Supplies
OUR NEW VERSION 500PLUS Kennel HEIGHT Extension Kit – 100% MADE IN THE USA The 500plus® II Kennel Extension Kit is MADE IN USA. The kit will add 3+ inches to the height of your existing Sky Kennel XL, Vari Kennel XL, Vari Kennel Ultra XL, Sky Kennel Ultra XL, Aspen,...
by DryFur admin | Jun 7, 2014 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
NEW Stricter airline rules for transporting or traveling with dog breeds classified as fighting or aggressive has many pet parents scrambling for information and assistance in understanding what this might mean for them and their traveling furry friends. To start this...
by DryFur admin | Sep 1, 2011 | Airline Pet Carrier Reviews, Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Getting ready to shop for a new Dog Airline Kennel, Carrier or Crate? Then you might want to read our latest post detailing what new safety features are available and how exactly they work to keep your airline traveling pets safer. In this post we will examine some of...
by DryFur admin | Aug 13, 2011 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
So you’re relocating overseas and your Giant Sized Dog ( Great Dane, Mastiff, Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound ) is way too Large for a traditional plastic travel Kennel even with a height extension kit, now what? The next step might be to look into a custom made pet...
by DryFur admin | May 12, 2011 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Lessons learned by following the History of the Sky Kennel by Doskocil (Petmate) When pets first began to travel on airplanes, the wooden shipping crate was the only option for transporting them—that is until Doskocil (Petmate) introduced the Fiberglass Sky Kennel....
by DryFur admin | Jan 5, 2011 | Carriers Kennels Crates, Fasten-Tight, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Carrier Attachments
Looking for these replacement plastic pegs or plastic turn latches for your old Plasticrate, Kennel-Aire, Travel-Aire, Remington or Retriever Kennel and wondering why they are no longer available? The fact is 2 years ago Petmate negotiated a deal to purchase the Molds...
by DryFur admin | Sep 11, 2010 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, In Cabin, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
One of the most important thing you can do for your pets when preparing for long car trips or travel on an airplane is to get them used to spending time in their crate. You can do this at any age even old dogs can learn news tricks. Acclimating your pet to his or her...