by DryFur admin | Jul 20, 2024 | Harness & Collars, In Cabin, Pet Collar Leash Set, TSA Fast Pass
Metal-Free Emotional Support COLLAR & Leash Brand:TSA Fast Pass® BUY ONLINE Collar with Plastic Buckles Leash with plastic hook Product Description TSA FAST PASS Metal Free Collar & Leash for LARGE Emotional Support and Service Animals Our TSA Fast Pass...
by DryFur admin | Jul 21, 2018 | Airline Pet Carrier Reviews, Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, Featured, In Cabin, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips
WHAT is a Airline Approved Pet Carrier or Kennel? Read our Unbiased Reports and Reviews on some of the Top Selling “Airline Approved” Pet Carriers & Kennels I have decide to start this page to try and guide pet owners who are shopping for an...
by DryFur admin | Aug 9, 2013 | Airline Pet Carrier Reviews, In Cabin, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Getting ready to shop for a new Airline Pet Carrier Bag for your in cabin airline traveling pet Dog or Cat? Then you might want to read our latest post detailing what new safety features are available and how exactly they work to keep your airline traveling pets...
by DryFur admin | May 18, 2012 | In Cabin, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Airline Approved Pet Carrier Current Health Certificate (Veterinarian) Rabies Certificate (Veterinarian) Vaccination Records (Veterinarian) Clip Pet Nails or have done professionally (Vet) DryFur Pet Carrier Insert installed 2nd DryFur packed for return trip Food...
by DryFur admin | Sep 11, 2010 | Cargo, Carriers Kennels Crates, Checked Baggage, In Cabin, Other Travel Tips, Pet Airline Travel Blog, Pet Airline Travel Tips, Pets Traveling on Airlines
One of the most important thing you can do for your pets when preparing for long car trips or travel on an airplane is to get them used to spending time in their crate. You can do this at any age even old dogs can learn news tricks. Acclimating your pet to his or her...
by DryFur admin | May 7, 2010 | Cargo, Checked Baggage, In Cabin, Pets Traveling on Airlines
Traveling to Hawaii for the 5 Day or less Program AVOID 120 DAY QUARANTINE Traveling to the UK, Steps to AVOID QUARANTINE NEW RULES for EU-UK VERY EASY And NO 6-8 Months waiting or quarantine required…NEW RULES MAKE IT EASIER & CHEAPER TO BRING PETS TO UK-EU...